Perseverance: A Personal Reflection
A few weekends ago, a few of us TFC students went down to Orlando, Florida to attend a conference called “The Send.” This conference centered on the calling of every believer to take action in their faith.
Sadie Hawkins 2019
This year, the Sadie Hawkins Dance, was a Silent Disco. At first, attendees were hesitant to the idea of putting on a pair of headphones and dancing to music on their own, but it turned out to be an incredible event.
Who is OverheardTFC?
A new Instagram account where TFC students can send in funny quips and comments they hear on campus is steadily growing in popularity and becoming the talk of the college community.
Advice From the Seniors
The college experience is one that challenges, shapes , and propels you into the calling God has for your life. Here are some words of advice from TFC seniors who have survived the adventure and reached the peak
People of TFC: Drew Rinehart
If you have been at TFC for very long, Drew Rinehart is probably a name that you are familiar with. Drew is a junior this year, and is studying to be a cross-cultural major.
TFC Health Fair
As college students, our health can influence our learning and academic performance in positive or negative ways. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of our bodies. Sometimes, this can be complicated due to lack of time, medical insurance, or health expenses. If any of these things are preventing you from accessing medical care, this article is for you.
Club Spotlight: Toccoa Falls For Life
Have you ever wanted to stand up for something that matters? Do you want to make a difference in the world that impacts people for Christ? So do the members of the Toccoa Falls For Life Club (TFFL), which is the Pro-Life club on campus.
Love that Surpasses All Knowledge
History repeats itself over and over again, and it seems that it will never have a happy ending. That is the lie that the enemy wants this world to believe. The only way to break these bonds of death is by proclaiming the truth that is embodied in the Scripture: God loves humanity.
World Outreach Conference
Every year, TFC hosts a week-long World Outreach Conference. This year, the conference was February 4-7, and consisted of various activities, such as an overseas teachers’ panel, a Mexican Feast, missions organization booths in the student center, the highly anticipated International Fair, and an international worship night.
Write for the Talon
Have you ever wanted to have your writing published, or have your interests and passions highlighted for students to learn about? Do you have an interest in journalism, or want to have an influence in culture on campus?
Play Review: Chronicles of Narnia
On November 15th-17th, The Theatrical Society performed this semester’s play: The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Christmas Banquet 2018
One of the biggest events at TFC every year is the Christmas Banquet. This year, there were roughly 250 students and staff in attendance. The banquet is put on by the SGA Campus Life Committee.
Future Scholars Winner
Future Scholar's has already come and passed this year! It was a blast getting to meet so many new people, and see how excited many of them were to call TFC home in the near future! This year’s Future Scholars winner is Emily Johnson!
Envision Clarkston
Clarkston Georgia is a little town in Georgia that is home to many refugees from all over the world. Envision, which is a missions organization, works in Clarkston with a ministry set up in the apartment complex that is the home to many of these refugees. Three times each semester, a group of people from TFC who go to Clarkston and partner up with Envision to minister and show love to the people in Envision's area.
Christmas Traditions
Thanksgiving has past, which means it is time to celebrate Christmas! We asked a few students on campus about their favorite Christmas memories or traditions. Check out their answers below, and be sure to turn up that Christmas music.
Why Turkey Makes You Tired
It is a common old wives’ tale that turkey makes you tired. Somehow, it seems that your Thanksgiving dinner will put you in a turkey coma. While many tales such as this are not true, there is some truth behind this one.
Behind the Name: Forrest
The story of Forrest goes back to 1911: the beginning of TFC. In fact, the story of the man Forrest Hall is named after goes back to when TFC was just a thought. What did Richard Forrest do to get a building named after him?
The Local Legacy of Paul Anderson
It was 1955, during the height of the cold war, and since the threat of complete nuclear annihilation dissuaded direct warfare, the United States and the Soviet Union had to take their conflict to other front lines. The rivalry shifted to events such as the space race and the International Weightlifting Champions.
People of TFC: Talia Hatch
This month, we sat down with Talia Hatch to get to know her, and talk about her part in building the community here at TFC. Talia Hatch is a Junior this year, and is majoring in Cross Cultural Studies.
Future Scholars Weekend
Future Scholars Weekend is a time for high-school students who have worked hard throughout their time in school to earn possible scholarships and to experience what life is like on the TFC campus. This intelligent group of students will not only be going into classes to get a feel of our academics, but will also be in multiple interviews throughout their time here.