Navigating Anxiety as a College Student
It is important to learn what anxiety is, and what it is not. Additionally, it is also important to learn and then recognize the ways it presents and how everyone’s experience with anxiety is different.

Processing With God: A Devotional
It is so freeing to know that the One who Created the universe has knowledge of every little detail about our lives and wants to strengthen us in our weaknesses. He is faithful and fulfills His promises…

Continual Surrender: 1 Samuel Devotional
Why is the story of Hannah even included in Scripture? Why did the Lord not inspire the author of the book of 1 Samuel to simply begin with Samuel hearing the call of the Lord, or with the anointing of Saul as King over Israel? We cannot know the answer for certain, of course, but it is worth considering. Perhaps, the Lord wanted to remind us about the nature of surrender.

“Even As The Seasons Change”: Trusting God In Difficult Circumstances
As the semester begins, the seasons change, and our workload begins to pick up, it is easy to become overwhelmed with feelings of despair. What if there was another way to handle the challenges of everyday life? Rather than dwelling in melancholy, we can hold firm to the truth that God keeps track of all of our sorrows.

Finals Week Devotional
Almost any college student will admit that the most stressful week of the semester is finals week. All the cramming and studying brings unwanted emotions and makes for a stressful end to the semester.