Jordan Brown and The Presence of God
The students of Toccoa Falls College (TFC) are no strangers to Chapel Services. Every semester, students are required to obtain 30 hours of Spiritual Formation Credits, and Chapel Services, held every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 AM at the Grace Alford Performing Arts Center, are the easiest way to obtain the credits. This has been the standard for many years at TFC. However, this year, Chapel Services have been held a little differently. As opposed to Chapel Services covering a vast array of topics, this school year, the Spiritual Formation Department has decided to host a series of Chapel Lectures, each service centered around a theme throughout the semester. Last semester kicked off this idea, to great success, with the theme of ‘Joyful Surrender.’
I had the opportunity to interview Jordan Brown, director of Spiritual Formation and a professor here at TFC, about this semester’s chapel theme, ‘The Presence of God.’
This is a concept that is taught in many classrooms across Toccoa’s campus, but this interview with Brown is intended to tell us a little bit more on not only the chapel series, but also on just what the Presence of God should mean to students at Toccoa Falls College.
Q – How was the Presence of God chosen as the Chapel theme for this semester?
For the ‘Presence of God’ theme specifically, this concept is something that the worship leaders have been talking about since their Fall training.
They have been thinking about what it would look like for Jesus to walk into the auditorium as we are worshipping through music. In connection with that, we all thought it would be a good idea to widen the scope and be aware of the presence of God in every part of our day.
Q. – What does it mean to be in the Presence of God?
A. – “God is always present, so being in the Presence of God refers to being consciously aware of his presence. This is something that takes a lot of practice to maintain through the day. It’s easy to think of the Lord when you’re listening to a sermon or when you are listening to some great worship music. However, the Lord calls us to be constantly connected to him.” Here, Jordan Brown concluded his response with 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 which states, “Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances, give thanks for this is the will of God for you in Jesus Christ.”
Q. - Why is it so important that we recognize and live in the Presence of God?
A. – “It is important to practice the presence of God because that is what human beings were designed to do. We were designed to be constantly connected with the Lord and to constantly submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The more we are aware of God’s presence and follow his direction, the more the Lord brings about transformation in our hearts and produces the fruit of the Spirit through us.”
Q. - How can we better live in the Presence of God?
A. – “We can become better aware of the presence of God by visualizing him as physically present with us as much as possible. Think of him sitting in the car with you or going to work with you or hanging with you in your room/dorm. As we do this, we should also be mindful of the times that this idea causes some moral tension. Perhaps there are times when, if we were honest, we would admit that we really don’t want Jesus to see what we are up to. I think gratitude is also a great way to bring Jesus into every part of our day. We should constantly look for things to be thankful for. When gratitude and praise turn into a habit, we are regularly brought back to thinking about the Lord.”
Q. - Where do you find it easiest to find the Presence of God?
A. – “I love connecting with God through being immersed in nature, especially when I’m out in nature alone.
I love to go out hiking and I use those times to talk with God like I would talk with a good friend. I also really connect with the Lord through music. I learned how to play guitar when I was 14 and this has been a huge part of my personal devotional life since then.”
Q. - What do you hope TFC students and faculty get from attending chapel this semester?
A. – “Ultimately, I want to see students, staff, and faculty grow in their relationships with the Lord this semester. My hope is that chapel plays a role in that. So, I want everyone to be challenged and encouraged by this theme and the various connected sub-themes. Throughout my walk with the Lord, the seasons that I have seen the most growth are when I am most focused on the presence of God throughout the day. My hope is that this theme will impact others in the same way.”
Q. - What is one piece of advice that you would give to TFC students on living consciously of the Presence of God?
A. – “Pain is very often the tool that God uses to produce growth in our lives. As you experience pain, run to the father. Don’t feel like your problems are a meaningless distraction from your relationship with the Lord. Instead, invite Jesus into your pain. By doing this you allow for God’s presence to work in you and bring healing, conviction, and forward motion.”
The Presence of God is not only a theme for chapel, but it is something that every student, faculty and staff member of Toccoa Falls College should actively be striving for. As we go to and from chapel each Tuesday and Wednesday, we must look to it as more than just a credit to be gained, but as a lesson that we can learn. The Presence of God is imperative to living like Jesus, walking in His steps and searching for His will. As we attend chapel this semester, let us strive towards searching for the Presence of God in all that we do, whether that be sitting in class, writing an essay, hanging out with friends or as we drift off to sleep, exhausted after a long exam. It is true, as students at TFC we need 30 Spiritual Formation credits each semester, but this semester, let us see chapel as more than a requirement, but instead as a way to spend time in the Presence of God. In addition, as chapels come and go, if you see Jordan Brown, give him a high-five and thank him for such an amazing chapel theme.