Christmas Traditions

Thanksgiving has past, which means it is time to celebrate ​​Christmas! We asked a few students on campus about their favorite Christmas memories or traditions. Check out their answers below, and be sure to turn up that Christmas music. After all, the best way to spread holiday cheer is singing loud for all to hear!

​​Every year, Hannah Steele's family cuts off the bottom of their ​​tree trunk. They then write the year as well as anything significant that has happened that year on the stump. They have one for each year going back to the time that Hannah's parents got married.

Before opening presents on Christmas morning, Esther Edward's family reads the Christmas story from the Bible. Only after they finish the story do they open their gifts. Among their gifts is always a box of their favorite cereal and their favorite drink.

Each Christmas Eve, Sky Barkley's family opens one present. The siblings in the family usually have a white elephant gift exchange instead of getting everyone a present. They also often go skeet shooting during the Christmas holiday. The winner gets bragging rights for the next year.

Gabbi Bunner's family has a tradition of receiving their Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve. Each year is a surprise. The theme can be anything from Santa and his elves to matching llama PJ's.

​​Travis Duncan and his family make a plethora of Christmas treats for both their neighbors and their church family. Travis in particular enjoys making Christmas desserts. Last year, he was able to make a yule log.

In Amber Murphey's family, the tree topper is usually not an angel. To be more fitting to the Bible's description of angels as warriors, a GI Joe sits on top of the tree guarding the presents underneath.


Envision Clarkston


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