SGA Welcomes Matt Smith, Community Partnerships
Toccoa Falls College’s Student Government Association has chosen rising senior Matthew Smith to fill the Community Partnerships Chair in the 2023-2024 school year.
Smith will be living in Toccoa and commuting to residential classes next year. He seeks to continue cultivating the pre-existing relationship between the TFC and Toccoa communities.
The community partnerships committee plans events and fundraisers that help establish the relationship between the college and community. They are also responsible for supporting community affairs and staying up-to-date on specific events hosted by the Toccoa community.
Smith will take over for Marie Ballenger, a senior graduating in May. Next year, he hopes to partner with clubs like Lighthouse Outreach which already minister to the community. He is also planning more service days to help with community events such as the Harvest Festival.
“I want to create a space for local businesses and artists to be highlighted on campus, including pop-ups, and encouraging them to be part of events on campus,” Smith said. “These events will be used to encourage positive interactions between campus and the community and encourage students to see our community in a new light, and the community to be refreshed by our students.”