Health & Wellness, Mental Health, Devotional Aubrey Greene Health & Wellness, Mental Health, Devotional Aubrey Greene

My Journey with Epilepsy

Epilepsy is “a neurological disorder that causes seizures or unusual sensations and behaviors.” It involves misfiring signals in your brain that can cause your lip to twitch or you to fall out of your seat. When I was three-and-a-half years old, I was diagnosed with Continuous Spike-wave Discharge During Sleep (CSWDDS), which is a unique form of epilepsy.

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Campus News Aubrey Greene Campus News Aubrey Greene

Get to Know TFC’s New History Professor

With the retirement of the History Department’s former head, Dr. Jalovick, the title has been passed to a new member of the TFC community, Dr. John-Paul Hill. Dr. Hill currently teaches Historiography, Western Civilizations I and United States History I. Next semester, he plans to teach Western Civilizations II, United States History II and American Church History.

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Health & Wellness, Mental Health The Talon Health & Wellness, Mental Health The Talon

Mental Health and the Healer

In today’s society, the topic of mental health appears to have a negative connotation. The issue seems to get kicked under the rug until it is pushed onto the surface.

Anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses are no match for God. Keep reading to learn how one TFC student invites God into their battles with mental illness and be reminded of the role He plays for each of His children as Healer.

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