A Look into Autistic Minds: An Interview
Wesley Greenfield and Tiffany Franklin are future and current Toccoa Falls College students who live with autism. The Talon got to speak with Greenfield and Franklin about their opinions on common stereotypes and individual, everyday experiences an autistic mind.
“The Opportunity”: From Autism Stigma to Alternative Baseball
My path to Toccoa Falls College and Alternative Baseball began on November 27, 1995: the day in which I, Taylor Clark Duncan, was born to my parents at Kennestone Hospital in Marietta, Ga., at around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. It seemed I was born in normal shape at a healthy weight of 8 pounds and was brought home to Hiram, Georgia, despite doctors’ predictions of physical problems upon birth.
More Than My Disability
I have Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy. I have scoliosis which has been surgically corrected. I have had my hamstrings and tendons lengthened. My ankles have been repositioned. I am able to walk with a walker. I use a power wheel. That’s what I say when someone asks, “what happened?”
Keep reading to learn more about how cerebral palsy affects, but does not fully define, the life of a TFC student.