Spooky, Scary Terraces

This year, SGA partnered with the Terrace Res-Life team to put together a haunted tour which took you back to the time of the infamous Isaac Westfall. If you were one of the unfortunate souls to have embarked on this terrifying tour, the name might bring a chill to your spine. Even the students responsible for it’s creation reported feelings of apprehension upon entering the bus that drove them to the beginning of the tour.

The Haunted Tour took place in the Terraces where the “tourists” first met their guide, named Demetri, who would take them into four different Terrace houses that each displayed a scene in Isaac Westfall's life. Alys Reeder Terrace was the first house. This was Isaac Westfall’s “dark room” where he was supposedly last seen alive. Upon entering the dimly lit house, the tourists saw Isaac Westfall himself rocking in a chair surrounded by pictures. He then proceeded to scream, kick, and throw things until the tourists hurriedly left and entered the next house.

Cora Huston was transformed into the insane asylum where Isaac Westfall had spent some time earlier on in his life. Tourists were able to get a terrifying view of patients in the asylum rocking, pacing, and screaming in their faces. After a jump scare, Demetri ushered his tourists into the last house. This was the first part of Isaac Westfall’s life: the orphanage, which was held in the Terrace Commons. These orphans were not the cute and adorable ones you would see on a Christmas catalog. These orphans' favorite pastime was to put their friends in an electric chair among other games of grotesque torture. If you were paying attention, you may have also noticed the dead body clutching a lifeless teddy bear.

When the nightmare seemed to be almost over, the tourists were taken to Tyler Cottage where they saw a husband and wife, Isaac's parents, run away screaming in terror. When the tourists turned back to Demetri he was unblinkingly staring at them. He then began to scream: “Get out of my house! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Frantically the tourists raced out, only to bump into their real tour guide outside, who asked where they had all disappeared to. The tourists explained that Demetri had already taken them on the tour. The real guide revealed that Isaac Westfall’s real name was Demetri-Isaac Westfall. Demetri had been Isaac all along!

Overall, the Haunted Tour turned out to be an amazing success. The acting that took place was absolutely phenomenal and the decorations could not have been more terrifying. So much hard work was done by the Student Government Association and the Resident Life Teams to create this spine-chilling attraction, and it completely paid off. The tale of Demetri-Isaac Westfall will continue to give us goosebumps for many Halloweens to come.


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Pop-Tarts, Ramen, and Cookie-Dough