
Spring semester always seems to fly by, and after spring break, it seems to progress in fast forward. With every passing day, graduation is quickly approaching, and time at TFC dwindles down until it finally happens – all the seniors gather together in cap and gown and walk across the stage to collect the diploma that they have all worked so hard to achieve. This is a day that all students look forward to, the last day of college, with the future holding unlimited opportunities. While this time is exciting, nerve-wracking, and looked forward to, it offers another symptom to seniors… Senioritis.

What is senioritis, you ask? Well, allow me to offer a simple definition. Senioritis (noun): an affliction of students in their final year of college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance.

Senioritis is not bound to merely the last semester of college, but the last year as a whole. Motivation that once pushed students to excel and work hard, seems to diminish when senior year actually arrives. Procrastination and the desire to be through with homework, studying for tests, writing papers, and doing projects takes over. This is a time when the only motivation prompting students is the motivation to watch another episode on Netflix or go out with friends to get Taco Bell. This last semester is more than likely chaotic, filled with final papers, interviews, orals, portfolios, and panels, making it possibly the busiest for many seniors; therefore, lack of motivation is no small feat to overcome.

So how might seniors, or future seniors, overcome this affliction? Here are a couple of things that might help:

  1. Make a list – use your planners, make a list, create a week by week schedule so that you can see everything that is coming up and plan accordingly. By working ahead, you have the opportunity to take your time and can afford a few distractions, unlike if you wait until the last moment to complete a task.

  2. Reward yourself – when you finish an assignment, a task, get done ordering your cap and gown, put in another job application, or get up off the ground after a mental break down, give yourself a little credit and reward yourself! Take yourself out for some ice cream, a taco, coffee, or watch some Netflix and talk with a friend! This is stressful time and you are making it through and doing all the things you have to do!

  3. Take it one moment at a time – it’s all overwhelming, but remind yourself that you will get through this, to just breathe, and to keep up the good and hard work. Allow yourself time, space, and grace.

  4. Enjoy it all – college is a once in a lifetime experience and for seniors, it’s coming to an end. Remember that this will be over soon, so while stressing over the papers and portfolios and the interviews, remember to not let it all fly pass you with a desire to just get it out of the way. Your college career has prepared you for this and you’re going to do great! It’s okay to put down your computer and get outside. It’s okay to stop studying for a quality conversation with people you love. Remember why you came to TFC in the first place and be present where you are.

This last semester is almost over, and we are all almost there! Keep up the good and hard work! We can, and we will do it! Class of 2018, let’s make this last stretch the best one yet!


Campus Preview 2018


Finding Healthy Options in the Dorm