Finding Healthy Options in the Dorm

Coffee, soda, Ramen, and Pop Tarts. Sound familiar? Anyone who lives in a college dorm will find that, over time, items such as these become staples in their everyday life. While having something easy to grab can be nice on those day where you do not have time to run to the cafeteria, or late at night when you need a study break, eating junk food will wear down your body. The human body runs constantly on the food that fuels it, and it is important to use good fuel, and not just what everyone else is eating. Finding time to make healthy snacks can be hard. Most foods that are associated with as being healthy take some time to prepare, and as a college student, sometimes time is the last thing you have. In attempts to help that issue, the following are a few healthy and quick options to help students eat and be healthier holistically.

Breakfast can be one of the hardest meals of the day, especially as a college student; however, this fact does not make it any less important. Your body needs protein to function, and coffee does not suffice as a substitute. Drinking caffeine alone can have side effects such as shaking and loss of appetite that will leave you feeling off your game for the rest of the day. So on the way out, grab a smoothie instead. All it takes is some fruit, milk, and yogurt. The milk and yogurt provide a source of protein, while the fruit gives you enough natural sugar to wake you up. Smoothies are extremely flexible, and you can add anything you want. Another flexible option for any time of day would be a bowl of yogurt with some fresh fruit in it. Yogurt is a quick and easy way to gain protein without feeling bloated. Vanilla Greek yogurt provides a base to add anything from honey to fresh berries to, making a quick, and very portable option if you happen to be running late to class. There are also non-dairy yogurt alternatives made with coconut milk.

Multiple types of sandwiches are also easy to keep in the dorm room. Bread is easy to keep around, and the things that can be put on it are endless. A simple peanut butter and jelly is always an option, but more creative options could include peanut butter and honey or peanut butter and bananas, just like Elvis himself. Cheese and lunch meat can also be kept in the fridge for a simple ham and cheese. Sandwiches can be an easy but versatile option that offer a good source of energy to get you through your day.

Throughout the day, you might find your mind wandering towards a snack, and before you grab a candy bar or bag of chips consider one of the following options. Fresh veggies such as carrots or broccoli can be paired with ranch or hummus for an easy and portable snack option. Peanut butter can also be paired with anything from crackers to celery for a yummy bite to eat. Fresh fruit is an option for an afternoon snack. Although quick options are crucial in a college student’s day, snack time does not have to mean junk food time.

When dinner time rolls around, many people love to sit down and eat a larger meal, but sometimes students do not have time to sit and eat. Some students have jobs and night classes that require attention before a sit down meal can be enjoyed. If you do not have time to sit and eat before your responsibilities, try grabbing a salad in your room. Salad packs can be purchased and toppings can be added. Save some dressing in your mini fridge with your choice of extras to throw together. You can also take some time on the weekend to create a large portioned serving to save for the rest of the week. Try making some lasagna or your favorite soup. Warming up something in the microwave is not necessarily a bad thing as long as what you are heating up is healthy.

As a student, it is important to keep your body healthy to succeed in classes, but sometimes that can be hard to do with limited time and options for meals. With a little preparation, any meal or snack can be easy and quick while remaining healthy. Each meal can be achieved easily with a little preparation. Next time when you are at the grocery store, pick up a few components of the options above, and try one out. You might just find your next favorite food, all while staying at the top of your game.




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