Science for Dummies

Have you ever wondered why a glue stick does not dry out in the bottle, or how a rainbow is formed? Questions like this can be easily answered by science, but science is often a scary subject for some people. With a bit of explanation, and the use of some little-kid words, science can be made very simple. Go ahead and take a look below, hopefully we will be able to answer some common questions you may have.

Why doesn’t glue sticks to the bottle?

In chemistry scientist talk about solvents and solutes in a solution. Solvents are the substance that the solute is dissolved into. In glue, water acts as a solvent to the polymers that make up the sticky part of glue. When the glue is applied to whatever you want to stick, the solution becomes exposed to the air. This allows for the water in the solution to evaporate, leaving the glue polymers behind. This allows for adhesion. When the glue is still in the container, there is not enough air exposure for the water to evaporate, unless of course, you leave the cap off.

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How are rainbows formed?

All visible light is a part of a spectrum of colors, and acts as both a wave and a particle. Sunlight includes the entirety of the spectrum. When sunlight hits water, the light is refracted, meaning it is slowed down and bent. This is because the water is denser than the air that the light had been traveling in. When light is refracted, the sunlight splits into the spectrum of colors that we know as a rainbow. The human eye can see the colors of the rainbow because of the distance and angles at which the light is refracted. Each color is reflected at a different angle due to the different wavelengths that are associated with each color. This creates the display of colors we think of as a rainbow.

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How do things that glow in the dark, glow?

Glow in the dark products are made using chemicals called phosphors. These chemicals emit light when they have been energized. This is why phosphors need to be exposed to the light before they are effective. Phosphors absorb energy and then slowly emit that energy as light. Phosphors are usually mixed with plastics to make the different products that are glow in the dark. This is different from glow sticks, which use chemiluminescence. This is the process emits light as a result of a chemical reaction, which is why you have to break and shake your glow stick before it will glow.

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What is the difference between a sprain and a strain?

Strains occur when you have stretched a muscle too far, while a sprain would affects the ligaments. Ligaments are the tissues that hold bones together, as opposed to tendons, which hold muscle to bone. Sprains happen oftentimes in sporting events when a ligament is stretched or torn. There are varying levels of sprains, based on the stretch or tear. Each sprain will usually require rest from using that joint. While sprains do not usually propose a serious injury, they can be quite painful.

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