Presidential Campaign Highlight

In case you missed the Press Conference on Sunday night, here is a quick overview of what each presidential pair is all about.

Tristan Bowen and his vice-presidential candidate, Jacqueline Bailey, are both juniors. Tristan is majoring in Biology, while Jacqueline is majoring in Business Administration. Focused on giving back to Toccoa Falls College, their main campaign goals are based off three words: Efficiency, Transparency, and Refocus. They plan on creating a place online where students can see upcoming events, learn what’s going on and how to get involved, and voice the problems that they see. Their goals are to run the SGA as efficiently as possible, be transparent while letting students be transparent with them, and make sure that things are being focused on the students. They have a plan in place to create a multi-campus connection where students can get together with nearby students who share the same major, or other things they have in common. The main issues that they want to fix are communication and transparency.

The next two candidates are, TFC junior, Jonathan Joransen and Seth Renicks, a sophomore. Jonathan is a Philosophy major, while Seth is pursuing Ministry Leadership. Their main focus is listening to figure out what students want. They also want to have an online presence with an events page and calendar. Another thing they would like to implement is the involvement of ministry students in chapel speaking/worship, as well as combining service with off campus weekend events. When it comes to making SGA more effective, they plan on changing the policies to keep better track of clubs, spending, and making sure that there is a structure in place before the year begins. They agree that one of the main issues is communication, and plan to use the website to do that.

While both teams are great, they each have something that sets them apart. According to Tristan, he is set apart by his “Outgoing personality,” and Jonathan says people should vote for him because of his “Experience in leadership.” Only one candidate can win so don't forget to vote! Voting ends tomorrow (Thursday, March 15, 2018) at 5 pm!


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