Forrest Olympics 2022: 2A Takes the Bust
Brothers Jacob (left) and Eli Head (right) face off in a round of “Forrest Feud.”
In the final event of the Forrest Olympics, halls 2A and 1B competed in a game of “Forrest Feud” for the grand prize, the bust of Richard A. Forrest.
As the name suggests, “Forrest Feud” followed the general rules of the iconic family game show, “Family Feud.” Each hall had five representatives. One player stood across from the other at the beginning of each round, with the bust of Richard A. Forrest separating them. After the question had been read, the first person to tap the bust was given the opportunity to answer. If their answer was on the board, their hall continued guessing answers until they either got them all correct or answered incorrectly three times.
However, if their answer was not on the board, the opportunity to answer went to the other team. When one hall had won two games, they chose two members of their hall to participate in “Fast Money.” In this round, players had to provide as many answers as possible in 60 seconds.
“Going into Forrest Feud, I felt we had a good chance,” 1B resident Jacob Hunt said. “We were hoping for a victory, especially since a lot of us won last year. Plus, even with the odds stacked against us, we were pretty hyped and optimistic just because we had made such a comeback already.”
During the game, the halls had a literal Head-to-Head moment, as brothers Jacob and Eli Head stood across from each other, determined to tap the bust and answer before the other. Jacob lives on 1B, while Eli lives on 2A. According to Alec Perrotto, 2A Resident Assistant, it was not planned. He said it just so happened to be how the halls were lined up to answer.
1B won the first two games. They had the opportunity to play “Fast Money,” which would determine the winner of the Forrest Olympics. At that point, 2A still held the overall lead, but not by much.
“We were definitely pretty nervous,” Perrotto said. “They did a really good job. They came really far.”
1B asked Jacob Head and Hunt to participate in the final challenge. Feeling the pressure, they agreed. “I was nervous before the Fast Money. A lot was riding on just me and Jacob Head. I was hopeful, but had no idea what would happen,” Hunt said. With only 60 seconds to rattle off as many answers as possible, the countdown began.
1B scored several points, but unfortunately, they did not score enough. For the second year in a row, 2A won the Forrest Olympics and will have their hall permanently added to the bust of Richard A. Forrest. “I was like, oh my gosh we still won,” Perrotto said.