The Forrest Olympic Finale

Every competition has to crown its champion, and every event must meet its end. The Forrest Olympics is no different, and on March 13, a victor was finally determined. After countless hours of humiliation and challenges that affected the competitors' mental and physical abilities, the games are now over. For the last competition, each hall in Forrest paired with either a women's dorm or a Terrace. The entire campus faced off in three games involving one of the scariest things known to man today: donuts. 

“I DONUT know how this will turn out,” 2A resident Owen Mammano said. 

The first challenge required competitors to run a race after speed eating donuts. This event was called “Run Forrest Run: 2.Dough,'' receiving its name after the popular phrase from the movie Forrest Gump. Contestants from all around the campus had to eat two donuts and run a lap after, with the option to eat up to four donuts and run two laps per person. Whichever hall completed 10 laps first won the event. The race was close, but the final standings were as follows: 2A in first, 3A in second, 1C in third, and 3B in fourth.

The next challenge featured a throwback to the pancake eating contest from earlier in the Olympics. One representative from each team was sent forth to see who could eat the most donuts the fastest in the dozen donut eating contest. Coming down to just a few seconds difference between 2A and 3A, 3A emerged victorious after eating all their donuts in just over 2 minutes. “Throwing down a dozen donuts is no easy task, but it feels great in the moment to win a competition for your hall. Five minutes later when they finally hit your stomach, not so much,” 3A Resident Assistant Caleb Henzmann said. 

Dough or No Dough brought an end to the entire competition. Only the top four halls based on the standings after the donut eating contest could compete in this challenge, meaning the final prize could only go to either 2A, 2B, 3A, or 1B. This last game featured a parody of Deal or No Deal, as teams tried to walk away with the most dough based on a number in the box they picked or an offer given by the mysterious banker hidden in an outside location. After many boxes were opened and no deals were made, 3A won with $19,000 or, in other words, a whole lot of dough.

Points for this contest were determined by how much dough one walked away with, as each $2000 equaled one point added to a hall's final standings. The final victor was determined based on total points from all past competitions and the ones that were earned that day. The final standings were as follows:

  • The ultimate champion of the Forrest Olympics was 2A with 38 points

  • Second place was 3A with 32 points

  • Third place was 2B with 30 points

  • Fourth place was 1B with 23 points

“It’s been the highest honor to compete alongside a hall that is completely superior in every way to everyone else in Forrest,” 2A RA Zach Garcia said.

The Forrest Olympics was a hard-fought battle that pitted hall against hall while also sparking unity and companionship that blossomed new friendships all over campus. While many competed, Hall 2A came out on top and will be commemorated by getting their name below Forrest’s bust for the entirety of next school year. The competitors will be back next year to see which hall will come out on top with the 2022 Forrest Olympic Games.


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