2021 Club Fair Recap

Searching for a way to get plugged into the TFC community? Then look no further than the many clubs and organizations TFC has to offer.

If you are interested in video games, board games, or even card games, do not hesitate to join the Gaming Club. The Gaming Club offers an escape from the everyday stresses of college life where individuals can be themselves and relax. It also provides a positive atmosphere where students can connect and encourage one another through healthy competition.

Are you interested in hunting, fishing, or even archery? Then the Sportsman’s Club is the place for you. This club provides opportunities for students to learn these outdoor skills and more through a biblical mindset. It is a place for amateurs to connect over their favorite outdoor activity and for beginners to learn a new skill.

Do you enjoy playing around on TFC’s disc golf course? Then consider joining the Disc Golf Club. The Disc Golf Club focuses on building community through this exciting and entertaining outdoor game. They are always open to new players, regardless of their skill level, and desire to help them grow.

Feeling creative? Join the Art Club. The Art Club has about four events each semester. Every event focuses on a different aspect of art, such as record painting and sculpting. No experience is required, and the club provides all the materials you need to create a masterpiece. 

Interested in philosophical conversations? Then the Philosophy Club is the place for you. The Philosophy Club builds a community of students, faculty, and staff who enjoy discussing theological and philosophical topics on a deeper level. This club is for everyone, so a background in Philosophy is not required. One recurring event the club will have throughout the semester is Philosophy for Lunch. It will take place on the porch of the Eagle’s Nest every other Wednesday.

Searching for a chance to be in the spotlight? Consider joining the Theatrical Society. The Theatrical Society strives to perform their best for Christ, love one another, and have fun. They also desire to be representations of Christ and spread His love to others. You do not need to have any experience in theatre to sign up, so if you have a passion for theatre, then this is the club for you.

If you like the outdoors, then you will enjoy Adventure Bound. They plan many events during the semester, such as camping trips, skydiving, and whitewater rafting. No membership is required, so look out for upcoming trips and events. 

Eagle Radio allows students to create podcasts for everyone to hear and enjoy. It gives students another outlet on campus to freely express their creativity. The resources needed to create podcasts are provided, so all you need is an idea. Additionally, if you need to fulfill an SAO, it can be completed here through recording hours and editing time. You can listen to podcasts made by other students on campus at: https://eagleradiodottfcdotedu.wordpress.com/

Eta Delta Gamma (Tri-Beta) is primarily an honors society for undergraduate students. They seek to improve their understanding of every aspect of biology through learning more about God’s divine and beautiful creation. Tri-Beta mainly focuses on the human body but also encourages other areas of science, such as ecology. Anyone can join, so if you desire to expand your knowledge in these areas of science through a Christian perspective, then this is the place for you.

Phi Beta Lambda is the National Business Club. They strive to help students prepare for the business world and develop a professional portfolio. While they host fun events throughout the semester, such as Cereal Killer, they also provide informational events. These events include learning to write a resume and an interview day where executives and professors interview students.

The Hmong Student Association (HSA) gathers together every other Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Woerner World Missions to fellowship and praise the Lord. They host several fundraising events, such as the eggroll fundraiser, to raise money for their biggest event called the Spring Tour. Over spring break, HSA will visit an out-of-state church to serve in areas where they need help.

You do not have to be at TFC for very long before Student Mission Fellowship (SMF) comes up. SMF meets in the Woerner World Missions building on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. to worship and pray for interns and missionaries who will be traveling overseas. They also assist with fundraisers that help support juniors who will be going overseas for internships.

Toccoa Falls For Life provides education and awareness to the TFC community so they can better understand the reality of abortion. They use this knowledge to share the love of Christ through providing material needs and support. Toccoa Falls For Life meets weekly for discussion time and prayer. One of the many events they offer is reaching out to abortion clinics and working with mothers who have chosen life.

Since there are so many events, how will we know when they are all happening? Vice President Tim Heath and the rest of SGA created an Instagram account dedicated to TFC clubs and organizations. All club events will be posted on this account. Not only does this account make it simple to find information on upcoming events, but it also helps bring recognition to the many clubs and organizations here at TFC. Get plugged into the TFC community by following @tfc_clubs today.


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