Hey, Are You Okay?
Suicide. The first time I remember hearing this word I was 11 years old. It was a beautiful November day, and my mother came into my room crying. She told me that my great uncle had killed himself. At the time, I did not really understand what had happened. I just knew that I was confused and sad. My uncle had been an outwardly happy person. He was funny, loved his family and served in his church. How could someone who seemed “okay” not really be, okay?
Why Suicide Prevention Matters and How You Can Give Support
September is Suicide Awareness Month, but the numbers are hardly decreasing. Maybe you have lost someone to suicide, nearly lost yourself to suicide or have never been impacted by the crisis. No one should feel like their life doesn’t matter or that ending it is the best option. No matter your experience with suicide, you can help prevent it.
Thoughts and Fears of a Generally Anxious Dermatillomaniac
I wish I could make sense of mental illness. Of General Anxiety Disorder, of recurring Major Depressive Disorder, of Dermatillomania, of Dysphoric Emotional Dysregulation Disorder, of all the things that make up the inner anxious working of my mind.
Keep reading to learn more about a student’s experience with the above mental illnesses. Her journey may even speak hope and healing into your own.