New Year, New Talon!
Welcome to the new school year! With the start of every new year, there are many changes that follow. This year, TFC has many new professors and programs starting up, and it is the second year of the Nursing program. The pool of students has also shifted, with the class of 2018 having graduated and the class of 2022 just settling in. Among all the changes on campus, The Talon also has a major change with a new editor.
Last year’s editor, Nicole Petraglia, graduated this spring with a degree in Communication. Following in her footsteps is Amber Murphey as the editor for the 2018-2019 year. Amber is a junior at TFC with a major in Biology. Science has always been interesting to her, and has been an area where she clearly sees God’s fingerprints. She is planning on pursuing a graduate degree with the desire to pursue science journalism. Amber was a part of The Talon as a writer under Nicole, and is now very excited to take on the role as editor.
As the new editor, Amber is looking forward to bringing a team of writers together to both express and build up the community of Toccoa Falls College. The Talon is a unique opportunity for students to represent TFC through an online outlet. Writing for The Talon has the power to shape the community of TFC beyond just students and staff. As an online newspaper, The Talon has the potential to have influence around the world, and has had readers from countries such as India and Papua New Guinea. Amber deeply values this opportunity, as her years at TFC have been greatly influential on her life and spirituality. TFC has a unique community of growth and learning both spiritually and intellectually. Being able to share that community in writing is a great privilege.
This year, Amber is looking for a team of writers to share that privilege with her. The Talon is an open opportunity for any residential or commuter student to be able to write articles to be published on The Talon website. Writing for The Talon not only provides the opportunity for SAO and Communication Practicum hours, but also the chance to present and influence the community here at TFC. The Talon is a student-directed news media, which means the content published is heavily influenced by the team of writers. Articles published on The Talon are mainly directed towards the events, education, and people that make up the culture on campus. If you would like to be a part of The Talon and have the opportunity to represent TFC online, contact Amber either through the contact page on The Talon website, or email her at