Midterm Survival Guide

Midterms are this week. These pesky tests are currently the only thing keeping you from a FULL week of doing whatever your heart desires. This can be a stressful time between cramming for all the tests and trying to write all the papers, finish all the projects and still remember to take care of yourself. It is a lot. So, here are a couple of reminders and some advice on how to get through this time without completely losing your mind!

  1. Take care of yourself! I know it can be hard to do so when everything is due and you feel like you don’t have enough time to even take a deep breath, but self-care is SO important! So, make time to take a deep breathe, shower, eat food, drink water and sleep. While skipping some of these might seem tempting and like it will not really affect anything, it will! They are important and when you take time to do them, you will see a difference in how you feel and even how you perform during midterms.

  2. Don’t procrastinate! I’m guilty of this one… When you wait until the day before or the morning of to start an assignment, paper, or to study, you are causing your stress level to skyrocket due to the timeline that is increasingly closing in on you. As easy as it is to say, “I can just do this tomorrow/next week/never,” remember that doing it ahead of time will save you a lot of unnecessary stress

  3. Make a list. If you are completely overwhelmed by all the assignments, midterms, papers, and projects you need to get done before you leave for spring break, make a list! For example, make a list of things that you need to get done by order of priority along with the due date. This way, you have something to keep you on track as well as the satisfaction of crossing something off of your list.

  4. Take advantage of your resources! If you don’t understand something or are struggling to grasp a concept, take advantage of the tutoring lab! Not only are they available to help check your papers, but they can also help you prepare for tests by walking you through something that you might not understand. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your professors! If you need help, there is nothing wrong with asking for it!

  5. Take breaks. When you are studying and doing homework for hours on end, take small breaks. For example, for every 50 minutes of homework or studying that you do, take a ten minute break. Watch ten minutes of a Netflix show, take a walk around outside, talk to a friend, grab a snack, or just lay in your bed! Whatever you need! While it might seem counterproductive, it will help you to return to your assignment or study guide with fresh eyes and renewed motivation.

Midterms can be a stressful time, but just remember this: you can and will get through this! You are almost there. Keep up the good work because you’ve got this! And remember, you're almost free!


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