Laps for Larson - A Testament to God’s Faithfulness

Photograph taken by Alex Scarrow

The idea for the Laps for Amy Larson 5K started with prayer. As a few students circled around after class at the start of the semester, they felt God leading them to do more. Minutes later, they were knocking on Saylo Lor’s door to ask about potentially starting a fundraiser. Within the weeks that followed, word of supporting Amy spread like wildfire across campus.

Photograph taken by Alex Scarrow

As signups and donations took place, students came wanting to know updates on Amy, telling stories of how they prayed in class, small groups, or church for her, and giving financially, as much as they were able. Many had not known Amy directly, but they had heard of her Christlike example at TFC and her trust in Him even as she battled cancer. Faculty and staff alike jumped at the opportunity to come alongside with prayer, financial support, and logistical help. Although most of the students organizing the 5K had never participated in one themselves, with God’s help, the details fell into place. 

Photograph taken by Alex Scarrow

On Saturday, October 3rd, a few dozen runners gathered at the pond at 9:00 a.m. all wearing blue, Amy’s favorite color. They ran a 3.1-mile course, spread across campus: up to Grace Chapel, past maintenance, around the athletic fields, through the floodplains and ending back at the pond. Annabelle Bash led the way on her bike. It was exciting to have some staff members join the mix, such as Dr. Jalovick and Dr. Adkins, along with Wynn & Ellie Coggin. The runners ran well, with a couple jumping into the pond to cool off afterward. Nate Maloney, Brandon Rockwell, and John Wood came in as the top three, with times of 19:54, 20:05, and 20:26 respectively. Several other individuals that were not able to make it to campus ran with the group in spirit that morning. Walkers started afterward, with Dr. Crosby and Dr. Kronk. Everyone walked together in groups, many staying after the race to sign a poster for Amy, get in a group photo, and hang out. It was wonderful to have Evan Rowland and Alex Scarrow photographing the event. They could not have asked for better weather. Overall, with donations from staff, students, and others, close to $4,000 was raised in a week!

Photograph taken by Alex Scarrow

With the involvement and support of so many, God was glorified and Amy and her family have been encouraged. One of the 5K organizers said: “I feel like in blessing Amy, I was blessed in return to have the support of so many coming alongside me in this idea. I am humbled by the opportunity that God allowed us to be used, even in this small way, to be an encouragement to Amy and to bring the campus together for this cause.” She goes on to say how encouraged she is that Amy is doing better: "I am humbled even further, as God could have chosen any week for Amy to start improving, and we would have been equally as thankful. The fact that he chose to do it starting a few days leading up to the event shows that he had us in mind too." 

Within the past week, updates of Amy say that she has been able to eat solid food and move around again. There is even talk of her being discharged from Gainesville hospital soon! That means that she would only have to return for procedures and chemotherapy. A couple of the 5K organizers look forward to visiting Amy in a couple of days to give her the donations and dozens of cards from other TFC students. They are excited to see the smile it will bring to her face!


Prayer and Worship Night


Interesting Hiking Points Near TFC