Campus Preview

Campus Preview is an event that both current and prospective students look forward to every year. This year, Campus Preview is April 4-5. For high school sophomores, juniors, seniors, and their parents, the weekend is full of fun events. Prospective students also get the chance to spend the night with current students, attend classes, and get a feel for the TFC community.

Campus Preview begins on Thursday with check-in, followed by a campus tour, dinner, and a chapel service. “Living Room on the Lawn” immediately follows chapel, giving prospective students a chance to see what clubs and organizations the school has to offer. After Living Room on the Lawn, the night will be ended with an Open Mic Night.

On Friday, prospective students have the opportunity to sit in on some classes and go to a Financial Aid Seminar. To close the event, there will be a Q&A. Additionally, anyone interested will have the opportunity to go to a baseball game and preview the Athletic Department after the official event is over.

Students are often times not the only ones weighing in on the decision for college. Knowing that, TFC has designed Campus Preview so that it is not just for prospective students, but for parents, too. Parents have the option to sit in classes, go to financial seminars, and attend a special Q&A specifically for them.

Overall, it will be an amazing opportunity for everyone involved. It is difficult to fully get the feel for the TFC community and why it is so great in two days, even with the classes, events, and involvement from the campus. However, Campus Preview does provide a small glimpse into the world of TFC, allowing prospective students and their parents to see why TFC is so loved, and to begin to fall in love with the community themselves. Be sure to say hello to our visitors this weekend and welcome them to our campus!

Follow @exploretfc on Instagram for updates!


Teagle Forrester and the Bible Study


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