Amy Larson - An Inspiration to Many at TFC

I still remember the first time I met Amy. It was during our first week here at TFC a couple of years ago. Over lunch, we got to know one another: where we were from, how we got to TFC, what we were studying—the basics. Throughout that semester and those that followed, I found that many students were easily weighed down by the to-do lists on their agendas. Whenever you asked other students how they were doing, their answer was almost guaranteed: “BUSY.” But that was not the case with Amy. While many were complaining about the responsibilities they had, Amy worked hard with comparatively much more on her plate. Amy gave her all—whether it was education classes, courses for her multiple minors, her job as a registrar or relationships with those who crossed her path. All the while, her smile never left.

Although Amy was not able to make it back to campus this semester, she remains as much an inspiration as ever before. When she was diagnosed with Lymphoma this past June, I remember her humble and trusting response. Out of all the worry and anger that could have consumed her, she chose to be more concerned for others than herself. I will always remember her laughing as she expressed her concern that her hair loss might scare the students in her classroom placement if she was able to return to school.

Despite her battle with cancer recently taking a turn for the worse, Amy continues to trust that God is in control. Each day, amidst much pain and the loss of energy and function to do every-day tasks, Amy chooses to be thankful for the little things. She holds on to the truth that God is a God of miracles. I cannot help but think back on the day that I first met Amy over lunch and her desire to be a testimony to God and his sovereignty, anyway God may choose. Through her gentle trust and steadfast perseverance, Amy is continuing to be just that.

Ultimately, God has foreseen every detail of Amy’s cancer process. Currently, she is in a Gainesville hospital accompanied by her mom, Lori. Due to recurring infections, Amy has been unable to continue chemo treatment. Please pray that God would provide miraculous healing, wisdom for the medical staff, and continued comfort for Amy, along with her family. A 5k fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd on campus, where students and other participants can support Amy in her battle with cancer.


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