
How is your semester so far? Are you tired? Are you becoming short with the people that you love? Maybe at this point in the semester you have lost your filter altogether. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be experiencing what is typically referred to as “Burnout.”

Burnout can be a hard thing to recover from. It can lead to depression, sickness, or even hospitalization if not taken care of properly or suppressed. In our moments of weakness, it is vital that we as people take care of ourselves and begin to set boundaries in our lives that can prevent further damage to ourselves and our bodies.

Although we are all busy students, it is important to slow down, take a breather and relax from time to time. When interviewed, TFC students mentioned a few of their favorite ways to take care of themselves, these ways include: Shopping, hanging out friends, going to church, sleeping, creating, and talking with RAs. When dealing with the feelings of burnout, like any other issue, there are both healthy and unhealthy ways of dealing with the problem.

Even though you may want to lay in bed all week watching Netflix, that is not the best therapy to help recover from being burnt-out. Friends and family can be a great life-giving resource when dealing with burnout, also, if you are an introvert and people drain you, going on a hikes or reading a book may provide a source of restoration for your mind. You can also utilize the FREE counseling services provided by TFC campus and talk to a licensed professional if needed.

These are just a few of the many ways to deal with burnout. As the semester begins to quicken, it is important to make time to practice healthy self-care in order to end the fall semester happy and healthy.


Eagle Radio 2.0


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