People of TFC: Rinaldo Bonomi
Rinaldo Bonomi is a Music Performance Major at TFC, with guitar as his primary instrument. He is well known for his loving personality that spreads throughout campus, especially in the coffee house – his place of work. However, Bonomi did not see himself as a musician at first, but as an aspiring neurosurgeon at Duke University. It was not until he saw God’s plan for his life that he realized what was in store for his future.
Originally from the quiet suburbs of Metro Atlanta, Bonomi always sought out the community around him. He looked up to his brother, a student at Duke University, and wanted to follow in his footsteps there. However, Bonomi’s brother warned that Duke was not all it measured up to be. Though Bonomi did not intend to attend Toccoa Falls College, he attended Campus Preview in the spring of 2018. He auditioned for a music minor to help finance his way through TFC if he chose to attend. Yet, Campus Preview sparked an undeniable flame in Bonomi’s heart, opening the gateway to his higher education journey. Later that year, he was accepted into TFC and attended in the fall as a music major after he experienced the voice of God leading him in that direction.
Over time, Bonomi grew to love the community at TFC, comparing it to the ‘abundant life’ that Jesus came to give to believers. Dr. Tom Council, the Dean of Professional Studies, noticed Bonomi’s heart was centered on giving and serving others, “Rinaldo is the image of the TFC motto: ‘Developing Character with Intellect,’ and he continues to develop every day,” Dr. Council says. Nevertheless, Rinaldo began to struggle with burnout because of the time he spent giving to others without caring for himself. This season of burnout led him to dislike his course of study – guitar. “I would go, go, go, and give, give, give […] You have to give time for yourself and that was the lesson from that,” Bonomi says. He began to recognize that he had to find the balance between his love for people and his profession.
It was around this season of burnout that God opened the door for him through his friends Brett and Dante, who envisioned the beginning of prayer and worship events. During these nights of prayer and worship, Bonomi was able to use his musical talents to lead worship and serve the attending congregation. Dr. Council could not help but notice the Christlike character of his student and said Bonomi was acting as the ‘salt and light’ for others on campus. The professor mentioned Bonomi’s ability to lead grew in conjunction with his walk with the Lord – “[Rinaldo was] always listening to the still, small voice of God and resting in it. [He] was committed to practice and took his craft seriously, wanting to bring it to the Lord [and] to perform with excellence without boasting.” As Bonomi’s senior recital approached, he practiced diligently for an effortless performance while also serving others, as he had witnessed those who graduated before him.
However, Bonomi suffered damage to a nerve in his arm as a result of his intense regimen. Throughout that time, Rinaldo only felt peace and God’s reassurance: “No matter where you walk, I have a plan for you.” Though Bonomi’s time at TFC has not been easy, he feels God has blessed every part of it.
Many students and professors on campus recognize Rinaldo as an image of a Christ follower, though many do not know his story. They only know that his life glorifies God, no matter what season of life he is in.
After graduating this fall, Bonomi plans to pursue music therapy. As a music therapist, Bonomi will be able to use his musical talents while giving to others, similar to how he served at prayer and worship nights and in his daily life at TFC. Though the students of TFC will be sad to see Bonomi leave, his legacy will remain because of how he intentionally connected with and served students on campus. In response to his character, the class of 2022 dedicated a bench on campus to Bonomi, symbolizing the time he sacrificed practicing on that bench to serve and meet with them.