People of TFC: Emma Hale

Emma Hale is a senior at Toccoa Falls College majoring in Ministry Leadership with a minor in Theology. Hale was raised near the Pennsylvania-Maryland state border in Lineboro, Md., as one of four children, including her two younger sisters and late

Emma Hale is a senior at Toccoa Falls College majoring in Ministry Leadership with a minor in Theology. Hale was raised near the Pennsylvania-Maryland state border in Lineboro, Md., as one of four children, including her two younger sisters and late older brother. She was raised in a Christian & Missionary Alliance church which introduced her to TFC, though she never expected to attend the institution.

Hale says colleges in Pennsylvania were very expensive and out of the question, so she redirected her focus to Christian colleges in Georgia. After a while of college-hunting, Hale wondered whether she should even go to college because none of the other colleges made her feel settled about moving far from home for four years. Once she came to TFC, however, that feeling changed.

“I just got on campus, and the Lord put this sense of peace on my heart, and I decided not to question it,” Hale said. 

During her time at TFC, Hale has maintained several leadership roles. She has been serving as a Resident Assistant on Fant 1 for the last two years and continues to be a blessing to her residents. She currently serves as both a youth and worship leader at Clarkesville First United Methodist Church, and she was involved in leading Prayer and Worship Nights on campus during her freshman and sophomore years. Hale has also worked as an Administrative Assistant on campus and had several off-campus jobs. 

Hale is best known for her role as a RA, which was not even a thought for her when she first came to college. However, she was convinced to apply at the end of her sophomore year and has loved – almost – every minute of it (she says having to use a cup to pour water out of an overflowing shower was one of her least favorite ResLife memories). Because of her willingness to serve and connect with her residents, Hale has received high praise from her residents and authority figures over the last two years. 

Although Hale did not feel equipped to be a RA in the beginning, Katie Skeen, Resident Director of Fant and LeTourneau halls, felt that Hale would be perfect for the position. Skeen says she admires Hale for her strong character, directness, and willingness to serve others.

“She has a huge heart and loves to do things for people and with people and make people laugh,” Skeen said. “She’s really engaging in those ways.”

Hale, who will be graduating this May, is excited to start the next stage of her life. After graduation, she will be moving back home to complete her internship at a nearby church in Pennsylvania while nannying for a local family. 

“At the current moment, all that I know is that I have a passion for relational ministry, and I want to make sure that young girls have female leaders they can look up to and see themselves in,” Hale said. “Outside of that, I am doing my best to listen to the Lord’s guidance instead of rushing into something just because it’s easy. My hope is that as the Lord makes His plan for me clear, I will be open and willing to go wherever He may lead.”

Even though Hale is looking forward to what is next, she says will definitely miss TFC because she has made many memories and learned many lessons during her time here. 

One of her favorite memories at TFC includes last year’s Mess-tival where she and Jacob Hunt volunteered to get pied in the face by students, and it resulted in a large shaving cream fight! She has also enjoyed learning and playing Razzleblast with her friends, which is a combination of soccer and football. When she can, Hale still plays soccer late at night with her friends and enjoys reading, running, painting, and cooking. 

“The community. It sounds so cheesy, because everyone says that’s their favorite part of TFC, but it genuinely is what I will miss the most,” Hale said. “Having a place where I feel like I belong, where I don’t have to be anything but who Christ has made me to be, and where I know I have people who care has meant so much. I will definitely miss being in such close proximity to the many friends who have functioned as closely as family over the last four years.”

Hale has also learned many things during her time at TFC, but the biggest lesson was intentionality. Whether it be in having time with God, the way she interacts with others, or even the way she treats herself, she wants to do all those things in a way that honors God.

“The Lord has taught me a lot about how relationships should look in a more real sense. He’s shown me my weaknesses and helped me to grow in those areas to be able to love others so much more deeply,” Hale said. “While I’m far from perfect as a friend, a daughter, a RA, and all of the other relational titles I hold, the Lord is growing me and molding me to be more like Him. Each day is a new chance to love others better and show His love to those around us.”

Hale says she is very grateful for the ResLife team, Dr. Griffith, and her friends for how they have impacted her during her time at TFC. She encourages other students:

“It is better to love a few people well than it is to love a few people half-heartedly. Being a good mentor, friend, etc., is better than only being a small part of something to someone who deserves more. Don’t place expectations on the people in your life because everyone’s life looks different, and everyone’s background is different. If you go into a relationship or friendship or whatever with expectations, you're going to be disappointed. Allow people to be who they are and give what they can give. Take people for who they are. God has made us uniquely with our own sets of strengths and weaknesses, and if we take them as they are, we can love them so much more.”

Hale has been an influence for so many people in her time at TFC, and she will be truly missed by this community who will be cheering her on as she steps into the next season of her life! 


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