How To Survive Finals 101

Finals week is a stressful time. There are the last minute assignments you thought you had time to finish, the homework you thought you were going to get done during Thanksgiving break but didn’t, and the impending doom that is finals hanging over your head. The week leading up to finals might be even more stressful than finals week itself. You are trying to get everything in order, finish all of the projects and papers, and stay on track, while also trying to remember to sleep, shower, and eat. It is one of the busiest times in the semester, and it is easy to get overwhelmed and stressed. To help, here are a couple of ways that may help you survive finals.

1. Remember to BREATHE

Yes, it is stressful and there seems to be no time to even breath, but as much as you can, take a deep breath. It is going to be okay, you are going to get through this, and you are going to do great. Did you know that doing breathing exercises can actually help reduce stress and help you relax? There are breathing techniques that are designed to help you relax and reduce stress, such as the 4-7-8 technique, belly breathing, roll breathing, and morning breathing. To find out more about these breathing techniques, instructions and how they help, please follow the link:

2. Make a list

It’s getting close to Christmas, so hearing “making a list” might make you think of the Christmas song, but that’s okay! Knowing what you have to do and when you have to do it by can be helpful. By making a list, you can have a better idea of what needs to be done first, opposed to what can be done a little later. By making a list, you are able to pace yourself and feel organized as you do your assignments. And if you are anything like me, it feels great to check something off of the list and good motivation to move on to the next assignment!

3. Take a break

This might seem impossible to do with all of the things you still have to get done, but sometimes a break is truly what you need. It is also great motivation to get work done. For instance, you tell yourself you can watch an episode of “Friends” or actually go talk to your friends when you finish 3 pages of your paper, or finish that project that you have been putting off until now. Or you can take a ten-minute break for every hour that you work, which can be used for playing a game on your phone, scrolling through social media, or taking a short walk for fresh air. While breaks might not seem to be helpful, it can help you refocus and return to your work with a pair of fresh eyes.

4. Self-care

This is really important! Make sure that you are taking time for yourself and not neglecting your needs. Make sure that you are eating, sleeping, and taking care of your personal hygiene. It might seem like those things can be neglected, but when you are taking care of yourself, it can make you feel better and improve the work that you are doing. Remember to take time for yourself and treat yourself to your favorite snack/drink/candy for all the hard work you are doing.

5. Encouragement and Relationships

This can be a discouraging time, but in the midst of the chaos, encourage one another. Another place to get encouragement from is making time to get into God’s word. He is our ultimate source of encouragement. Take time to support and get support from those who are around you as we all endure this stressful time. Our relationships also serve as encouragement, as we come alongside each other in this stressful time. Remember to spend time with one another and make some fun memories during finals. They might just be some of the best memories you have!

You are going to rock finals! And a reminder – while good grades are nice to have, a bad grade does not determine your worth. Whether you get a A- or a C+, you are still amazing! You are almost there! Keep up the hard work and good luck!


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