Meet SGA President Arianna Coy and Vice President Ellie Allgire

Meet Toccoa Falls College 2024-25 Student Government (SGA) President Arianna Coy and Vice President Ellie Allgire. It is an interesting journey that led Arianna Coy to run for the position of Toccoa Falls College 2024-25 Student Government (SGA) President. As Arianna shared, it wasn't something that she had initially felt drawn to, but over time, she became more prayerful about the idea. She spoke of the spiritual battles she faced and how she had to lean on her faith to guide her. Ultimately, though, she felt a strong desire to apply for the position and to help foster growth and positive change on campus. 

Ellie said that being on SGA had never occurred to her. She said she was a part of the 2021 Future Scholars and thought it was a really sweet thing and wanted to be a part of serving the campus in some aspect. She said she specifically felt a calling to leadership at TFC but imagined it more in a chapel worship setting. She said that she wanted a year first of being on campus and navigating what TFC was like. She said this past fall semester, Coy approached her about being her vice president. Ellie was taken aback at first. Ellie prayed for the Lord and said she had an overwhelming peace about it. She said it was clear that this was what God wanted her to do. She had confidence that God wanted her to at least run with Arianna.

Arianna's dedication to SGA was evident as she served this past year as the intercultural chair. Her role allowed her to gain valuable insights into the workings of SGA, witnessing both its victories and trials. Inspired by the experiences of the current President, Lauren Juarez, who navigated without the support of a vice president, Arianna is determined to extend her support and grace to SGA in every possible way. 

Another question that was asked to the two winners was, "What made you want to run for this candidacy with each other outside of friendship?" Arianna said there are few people with whom she felt confident she could figure out how to do ministry. She said serving in ministry with people often looks like sacrificing what friendship can typically look like to do ministry well. She said that she needed someone who could be invested in the team. She said that she knew the heart of Ellie and that her skill set would make them a good team for the betterment of the campus. She also said she knew they could balance friendship and ministry. 

Ellie said that when Arianna first asked her to run with her, their friendship really deepened. Ellie said that she was praying that the Lord would make her and Arianna a good fit for advancing campus. She said that the Lord has really grown both of them in that area to the point where they can confidently say that their friendship matters, but their ministry of serving the Lord through campus leadership comes first. 

Ellie said that she sees qualities in Arianna that would make her a great fit as president, and some of those qualities revolve around their differences. She said they are very much fire and ice. She noted that Arianna is passionate and dedicated to getting things done, while Ellie is an observer and thinker. They balance each other out. She said that Arianna truly has such a deep heart for the Lord and is extremely discerning of His voice. Arianna said she sees a lot of qualities in Ellie that make her a good fit for the position. Arianna stated that the most significant thing she sees in Ellie is how she nourishes relationships and leads others. She said Ellie goes out of her way to help others feel seen, known and loved. Arianna stated that to be in leadership, you must have an intentional spirit, which is evident in Ellie and the administrative tasks. 

When asked what their desire was to change on campus, Ellie said it all started when they started planning their campaign. They said they knew they needed words to go by, and they chose to go with depth, commitment, and connection. She said these verses became repetitive in their daily walks with the Lord. She said it was even popping up in scripture. She said they want to see a significant change in the depth of connection on campus. Arianna said that overall, there is a stigma associated with SGA, and she does not want their leadership team or the teams in the future to be identified. She said they get the blessing of planning fun events, but that does not mean the Lord is not in it. She said there is a stigma that SGA is just productive administrative people, but the depth of faith needs to be viewed more strongly, and she wants to change that. She wants to cultivate activities where Jesus is at the center. She said this team is genuinely so sold out for God that they are on a new trajectory for what SGA will look like in future years.

Arianna said her number one vision for SGA is to honor the Lord in all things but also honor the student body and the people that you're serving. She said that remembering you are in SGA, you represent the school by honoring the Lord. Ellie said that this vision is shared. She said TFC is very unique and different. She said it is a chance to slow down in life with the school being offset in the North Georgia mountains. She said that it is such an incredible school to honor. 

Arianna said that she wants to still be in awe of TFC and the amazing things the Lord is doing and not let the presidency and her senior year jade her view of the amazing things Jesus has done through this campus. She said that she naturally loves to have an open schedule, meet with people, and spend time in fellowship, but this next year, there will be particular things the Lord requires of her in her senior year, and she still wants to be reminded of who she is not just who she is in a role. She wants to be in awe of the Lord and who the Lord is asking her to be in this next season. Ellie said that this current season is where she is continuously being shown what it looks like to be fully obedient to the Lord. She said it is more challenging than she expected, but the fruit of obedience is incredible to see and trust Him with this next year. She said she feels Jesus’ peace amid anxiety about entering a new season. She said that she knows God will be with her through this change of season and will give her support. 

Ellie and Arianna said they are both extremely excited to serve the student body as President and Vice President of SGA. Ellie said she is so happy to work with club leaders, and hearing their stories and passions has excited her even more for this position; she truly feels her cup is overflowing. Arianna said that she is excited to lead and love on the team, and in addition, she is honored to represent TFC’s mission. She truly believes that things will flow out of the school from the heart and love of this campus. 


Dear Graduate…


Jordan Brown and The Presence of God